Navigating the Holidays: A Simple Guide for New Parents

Spending the holidays with family?

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The holidays and parenthood – a delightful yet challenging blend, especially for new parents with little ones. Even veteran parents like myself have a difficult time keeping it together during the holidays. But don’t you worry! This guide contains all the deets to keep the holidays as magical as you had intended them to be.

As you prepare for the holidays, be sure to keep this guide tailored just for you saved in your parenting toolkit. Take a moment, breathe, and let me help you guide you on how to survive the holidays with your family.

two toddlers with Christmas gifts in their holiday pajamas

8 Ways To Help You Navigate The Holidays

  1. Prioritize Your Well-being: Saying 'No' and Setting Boundaries

    The holidays often come with a flurry of invitations and commitments. It's essential to learn the art of saying 'no' when needed and setting boundaries. For example, if you're feeling overwhelmed, consider politely declining an invitation or opting for a gathering at a later time. Remember, your well-being and your little ones are your top priorities. A true friend or family member will understand and support your decision.

  2. The Power of Asking for Help: Your Secret Weapon for Holiday Success

    Parenthood is a team effort, and during the holidays, your support system becomes crucial. Don't hesitate to ask for help, whether it's asking family or friends to babysit or even getting hired help to allow you to get some work done during the day so you aren’t up till the wee hours wrapping gifts or baking your famous Christmas cookies. If you are hosting this year, then ask your partner/spouse to share the responsibilities of prepping, cooking, and cleaning. Sharing the load not only eases the pressure but also strengthens bonds among family and friends. If you plan to travel to family, then have them babysit while you and your spouse/partner sneak out for a fun date night. Use them to your advantage if you have that option.

  3. KISS: Keep It Super Simple

    While Pinterest-worthy holiday celebrations may be tempting, embracing simplicity can be a game-changer. Consider scaling back on elaborate decorations and focus on creating joyful memories. A quiet evening by the fireplace or a simple holiday movie night with your little one can become cherished traditions that bring joy without overwhelming you. For us, the season is never complete without watching Home Alone 1 and 2 with the kids. The kids think Kevin is the coolest kid ever and even tried to find him the last time we were in New York City.

  4. Babyproofing is a must

    Holidays bring about twinkling lights and ornaments, but they can also pose potential hazards for your curious little explorer. Take a moment to babyproof your home and any holiday spaces. You can use plastic ornaments that won’t break or keep the bottom of the tree ornament free. Also consider using a portable gate or playpen around the Christmas tree to create a safe zone. Not only does this ensure your baby's safety, but it also keeps your festive decorations intact.

  5. Have Realistic Expectations

    It's easy to get swept up in the magic of the season, but having realistic expectations is key. If your baby is too young for a grandiose holiday feast or gift exchange, that's perfectly fine. If going to a holiday party where the kids will be exchanging gifts, but you don’t want to do it then speak up and set that boundary. You can still go and have fun without participating in gift exchanges or anything else you don’t want to do. Another thing to keep in mind is the timing of the party. If the party starts at 7:00 PM and you know that is bedtime then either find a sitter that can stay with your baby or kindly decline. Again, you don’t have to say “YES” to every invitation. Create a realistic plan that aligns with your baby's routine, ensuring a more enjoyable and stress-free holiday for everyone.

  6. Create Meaningful Traditions

    Establishing simple, baby-friendly holiday traditions can turn ordinary moments into extraordinary memories. For instance, start a tradition of reading a holiday-themed bedtime story each night or having a special holiday-themed onesie for your little one. You can even do an Advent Calendar every year. Grab this free Advent Calendar we created. These small rituals create a sense of joy and anticipation, making the holidays truly magical for your family.

  7. Capturing Memories: Tips for Documenting Your Baby's First Holidays

    Documenting your baby's first holidays is a beautiful way to create lasting memories. Take plenty of photos and videos to capture the essence of these precious moments. Using a tripod such as this one can help capture more memories with you in them instead of being the one behind the camera. Create a holiday scrapbook or a digital album to revisit in the years to come. These memories, frozen in time, will be cherished by your family as your little one grows.

  8. Give Yourself Tons of Grace

    This holiday season (and every season), remind yourself that perfection is not the goal. Give yourself grace and understand that not every moment will go as planned—and that's completely okay. Parenthood, like the holidays, is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. Embrace the imperfections, cherish the genuine moments, and remember that the joy of the season lies in the shared love and warmth of your growing family. Start enjoying “in the moment” moments instead of dwelling on “what could have been” moments.

Christmas tree with a child

As the holiday festivities wind down, it's time to transition back to your routine. Know that sleep regressions related to off days and travel are normal. Stick to your baby’s normal schedule, even if it takes a few days for you and your baby to readjust. If the holiday excitement has left your little one overtired, don't worry. Check out our blog on handling overtiredness for practical tips to get your baby back on track. With consistency and a touch of patience, you'll find your routine again after the holidays.

But until then…

Cherish the simplicity, set those boundaries, make meaningful memories, and give yourself tons of grace this holiday season.

Happy holidays!


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